NAACP Worried About A “Kristallnaught” That The LIBERALS Are Creating

Everywhere you look in the media, it is filled with bogus, empty rhetoric like in the link provided below.  The truth about a “NAZI” movement is that Obama is the Muslim-Nazi. Obama has done 3 things that were  attempted and carried out in NAZI Germany:  (Where are the Liberal Jews to stop this atrocity? ADL? ACLU?, SPLC?)

1. Nationalize the banks.

2. Nationalize the car companies.

3. Nationalize heathcare.

Obama is the NAZI and here Benjamin Jealous is claiming that the conservatives who are NOT in power are the NAZIS.

Obama is so terrible, that this is the reason why you see posters all over like the one below..people cannot figure out what evil leader Obama is like from the past, Hitler, Stalin, Mao.. etc.

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